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Icinga 2 AlertOps Integration

AlertOps is a collaborative incident management solution that integrates multi-modal communication, application monitoring, change management and SLAs (service-level agreements). This notification script uses the AlertOps Generic REST API to send alerts reported by Icinga 2 to your AlertOps account. Based on your ruleset incidents can be automatically opened and closed, depending on whether Icinga reports a problem or a recovery.


This script requires Icinga 2.0.0 or later.

Perl packages

These libraries are used by the notification command:

  • HTTP::Request::Common
  • LWP::UserAgent
  • JSON

If you're using Debian or Ubuntu, install the following packages:

# apt-get install -y libhttp-message-perl libwww-perl libjson-perl cpanminus

If you're running openSUSE, install the following packages:

# zypper install perl-App-cpanminus perl-JSON

On CentOS install the following packages plus dependencies:

# yum install perl-libwww-perl perl-App-cpanminus

Next, check out this GitHub repository and change into the icinga2-notification-alertops directory:

   # cd ~
   # git clone
   # cd icinga2-notification-alertops

There is a cpanminus script (cpanfile) that contains a list of all Perl dependencies. Use the following command to check for missing CPAN modules and to install them in one go:

# cpanm --verbose --installdeps .

calling cpanminus on Debian Jessie


If you see an error message like Can't locate Parse/ on openSUSE Leap 42.1, you've probably run into this bug. One solution is to fetch the missing module from the CPAN server, unpack the archive and copy the file manually to /usr/lib/perl5/5.18.2/Parse. Next, run the cpanm command again.

Icinga 2 Configuration

Change into the /etc/icinga2/conf.d directory and create a new configuration file, e.g. alertops.conf. Define a user object, a notification command, two Notification objects (one for hosts and one for services). (Alternatively, you can add the snippets to the corresponding files on your Icinga 2 installation.)

User object

The user object defines where your notifications will be sent to. Apart from the display_name (a short description of the user), one or more groups (groups), a set of state and type filters that specifies when the notification should be triggered (states, types), you need to configure your personal AlertOps API key. You can find it in the AlertOps dashboard in the menu Administration -> Subscription Settings.

Find your AlertOps API key.

object User "alertops" {
  display_name = "AlertOps Notification User"
  groups = [ "icingaadmins" ]
  states = [ OK, Warning, Critical, Unknown ]
  types = [ Problem, Recovery ]

  vars.alertops_apikey = "a2ed82a783te7-4335-h378-0d2a5d1a7b64"

Learn more about user objects in the Icinga 2 Docs.


The notification command defines the location and parameters of this script. The variables you enter here will be used in in the notification rules later (see Notification configuration). This command expects the notification script in the directory /etc/icinga2/scripts:

# cp ~/icinga2-notification-alertops/ /etc/icinga2/scripts/

The configuration for the NotificationCommand can look like this:

object NotificationCommand "alertops-notification" {
  import "plugin-notification-command"
  command = [ SysconfDir + "/icinga2/scripts/" ]

  env = {
    "ALERTOPS_APIKEY" = "$user.vars.alertops_apikey$"

  arguments = {
          "--source"      = "$alertops_source$",
          "--source_name" = "$alertops_source_name$",
          "--subject"     = "$alertops_subject$",
          "--status"      = "$alertops_state$",
          "--incident"    = "$alertops_incident$",
          "--severity"    = "$alertops_severity$",
          "--url"         = "$alertops_url$",
          "--short_text"  = "$alertops_short_text$",
          "--long_text"   = "$alertops_long_text$",
          "--assignee"    = "$alertops_assignee$"

Learn more about the NotificationCommand object in the Icinga 2 Docs.


Next, create the two Notification objects, one for hosts and one for services. Define the command that sends out the notifications, the User object that you have created before (e.g. alertops), the time period, and the states. For Host objects the state can be Up or Down, services can have the states OK, Warning, Critical, and Unknown. Additionally, enter one or more types, i.e. Problem, Acknowledgement, or Recovery.


apply Notification "alertops-host" to Host {
  command = "alertops-notification"
  users = [ "alertops" ]
  period = "24x7"
  states = [ Up, Down ]
  types = [ Problem, Acknowledgement, Recovery ]

  vars.alertops_source = "Icinga2"
  vars.alertops_source_name = "Icinga2-Host"
  vars.alertops_subject = "$$ - $host.state$"
  vars.alertops_incident = "$$"
  vars.alertops_long_text = "Host $$ is $host.state$!"
  vars.alertops_state = "$host.state$"

  assign where host.vars.notify_alertops == true


apply Notification "alertops-service" to Service {
  command = "alertops-notification"
  users = [ "alertops" ]
  period = "24x7"
  states = [ OK, Warning, Critical, Unknown ]
  types = [ Problem, Acknowledgement, Recovery ]

  vars.alertops_source = "Icinga2"
  vars.alertops_source_name = "Icinga2-Service"
  vars.alertops_subject = "$$ - $$ - $service.state$"
  vars.alertops_incident = "$$ - $$"
  vars.alertops_long_text = "Service $$ on host $$ is $service.state$!"
  vars.alertops_state = "$service.state$"

  assign where service.vars.notify_alertops == true

Variable for hosts/services

In order to enable a host or service to communicate with AlertOps and send the alerts, add the previously configured custom variable:

vars.notify_alertops = true

Restart Icinga 2

After saving the configuration file and adding the custom variable vars.notify_alertops to a host or service object, please restart Icinga 2:

# systemctl restart icinga2

AlertOps Configuration

AlertOps expects you to write rulesets to identify your alerts and create incidents based on multiple parameters. To do so, open the menu Administration -> Inbound Integrations. Since host and services have different states, you need to define distinctive rules. Here are two different examples, one for hosts and one for services:

Icinga Host Alerts

Option Value
Integration Name Icinga2 Hosts
Source Icinga2
Source-Name Icinga2-Host
Status Field SourceStatus
Open Alert on Value DOWN
Close Alert on Value UP

Icinga Service Alerts

Option Value
Integration Name Icinga2 Services
Source Icinga2
Source-Name Icinga2-Service
Status Field SourceStatus
Open Alert on Value CRITICAL
Close Alert on Value OK

See the screenshots for some real use case impressions. For more information on the AlertOps web interface, please refer to the AlertOps documentation.