App for learning flutter (and maybe become a solution for house moving)
Here's a link to Some wireframes and basic screen navigation flow
check how to get app's ThemeMode properly
implement reset password flow
get list of items from firebase firestore
filter out from autocomplete list all items that were already selected
add a way to include a comment/observation for each item of the list
do a visual diagram exposing the data distribution/architecture
change the way that we add observations. Use ExpansionTile instead. (better UX)
add a consistent first option to "add" the string that were not found
create review screen
show current moving order in home screen. (create a separated widget to it)
check the best way to treat date
make a better UI for the current order, and validate the UI if the order is null
navigate to items screen for editting the order
save user role on firebase on signup flow
add address flow
on confirming the review, persist it on firestore (save it on a new sub collection called
, into theusers/
collection) -
remake the order creation flow to provide a good UX
show order items for a better UX
add moving date flow (with platform adaptive datepicker)
save the date on the flow only after clicking in confirm
add/update order in firestore
add a way to use RefreshIndicator on my order
prepare the moving order structure to have status
make general review screen
delete a pending order
add a way to refresh the entire current order
add a way to ask for help, after sending an order
show different content if order is pending and if it's waiting for a driver
after we get a driver, we should display the driver information
- provide a way to decline it (show a input modal to a brief explanation why)
- provide a way to approve it (here, after the price being set, we can generate a pix code and let it ready to be used, after the user approves it)
add a way to copy a pix value, for paying the moving order
fix general issues on signin/signout
fix UI issues on Android
show different tabs based on the access role
when the payment gets done, we provide the driver's phone (does that make sense? keep thinking...)
listen for order data changes
double check the entire flow, from the initial to finish
add a step on the sign up flow to put the whatsapp number
improve the profile screen
configure splash screen (maybe a rework on this will be necessary later)
create admin screens layouts on
implement initial menu (admin)
create a list of orders, being able to set information and send the budget value (admin)
check if the order is waiting for driver or for payment (second part of the flow that requires an admin approval)
- if waiting for driver, open a proper modal for fill these informations
- add a logical check either for what is the current status, and consider the background color by that.
create an admin tab
refactor on storage's items list
save candidates to the list after an order be sent
(admin feat) check new items on a separated list, and edit/approve it. (Approve means: Remove it from
Add it to the documentitems/list
)- UI and simple get
- edit
- approve
- remove
configure analytics
(admin feat) create screen to follow orders with help needed (no action on it right now)
apply new UI for the user order (following' design)
(improvement) on user's items' screen, close the keyboard everytime that might be convenient
integrate google places auto complete for addresses
configure push notifications and send one when the order takes any feedback (e.g. driver responded and the price is ready for approval)
find items that are not in the list, and persist them into a different document (add into a doc called
under items collection) -
add a progress bar to the order
add a way to the user change its name
separate items on groups, to make the user's lifes easier
change focus based on which button was pressed (for addresses)
make profile fields editable
- put to the moving order structure
- Req
- origin address
- destiny
- items
- status (which ones?)
- Opt
- flexible? (bool)
- pix code?
- declinedReason?
- Req
- new moving order
- start the flow -> OrderStatus = pending
- add all required information (origin, destiny, date and items)
- if user declines, open a input dialog for explaining why... and set the status -> OrderStatus = declined
- on confirming the review, set it -> OrderStatus = waiting_driver
- Here is where we do the manual work for finding a driver to work on that order
- a driver accepts that trip, and sends the proposal -> OrderStatus = waiting_approval
- user approves the order -> OrderStatus = waiting_payment_code
- Another manual part of the flow, is creating a pix code and put it into the order
- Generating the code, and pasting it into the firestore directly, we change the status -> OrderStatus = waiting_payment
- after the payment gets concluded -> OrderStatus = approved
- now just wait for the date and make the moving gets done!
- when I add more than one item, and I try to add more items to one of them, both changes. Fix it!