Isn't it annoying when you copy something to lose your previous copy?
This vim plugin is a clipboard manager that keeps up to 40 records.
Hope you enjoy it :)
Have this in your .vimrc(.vim/vimrc) file in order to have the full functionalities:
set clipboard=unnamed,unnamedplus
When you make several copies of different texts with this plugin you will be able to go backward and forward in your history of copies.
<Shift + <Right arrow>>
- move forward with step - 1
<Shift + <Left arrow>>
- move backward with step - 1
<Ctrl + b> + 3
- move forward with step - 3
<Ctrl + b> + 5
- move forward with step - 5
<Ctrl + b> + 9
- move forward with step - 9
- When you 'Yank' a text it will save it to the clipboard.
- [Works with prerequisite] When you copy something from outside of vim when you get back to vim the last copied text is being added to the clipboard.
- [Keep in mind] When leaving vim the plugin saves your current clipboard to the register 'z'
- [Keep in mind] When entering vim the plugin will try to restore your last clipboard from the register 'z'
:ClipboardBrowse <args1>
- browses in the clipboard with a step(). The direction of browsing is determined based on the step -
positive step → forward | negative step → backward.
- Shows the number of elements in the clipboard and the numbered elements themselves. Note: Elements are being displayed only until the 150th character.
- Clears the records in the clipboard