This version of the project is no longer maintained! The current updated version can be found from
Database project for reading seismic data from .nordic files into a postgresql database.
NorDBs documentation is located in the documentation page here
NorDB works with only with python 3.2=> so remember to install your most recent python version. Clone the module to somewhere, go into its root folder and run
pip install --user .
This should install the module correctly.
To use the database capabilities of NorDB you need to have a PostgreSQL database of version 10-> running on your computer. If you want to use the more advanced user features your should modify your postgresql configuration files so that your postgresql server requires a password to enter. Otherwise you can just use the program without any passwords.
To create the database you have to first configure your PostgreSQL user to the database. This is done by using the "nordb conf add" command on your terminal, or modifying your .nordb.config file with your text editor.