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    yummy re-stylized Ocaml

Bagel: 0.1.0 License: GNU Ocaml: 4.14.1


Bagel is a modern, re-stylized version of OCaml designed to blend the powerful functional programming features of OCaml with a more familiar, C++-like syntax. It aims to provide developers with the expressive type system and pattern matching capabilities of OCaml while offering a more accessible and intuitive syntax for those familiar with mainstream imperative languages.

Key Features

  • C++-like Syntax: Bagel retains OCaml's core functional programming concepts but presents them in a syntax that is closer to C++, making it easier for developers from imperative language backgrounds to adopt.
  • Fast & Intuitive Command Line Interface: Bagel's Command Line Interface has been designed to simplify project compilation, debugging and deployment.
  • Type Inference: While Bagel supports explicit type annotations, it also features strong type inference, reducing the need for verbose type declarations like in Ocaml.
  • Rust-like Modern features: Bagel includes Rust's type scopes, error management and loops.


/* Variables */
int x = 42;  // Explicitly typed
auto y = 3.14;  // Implicity typed

string* hello = &"Hello, World";  // Equivalent of Ocaml's references

(int -> int) inc = (int x) { return x + 1; };  // Anonymous function

/* Functions */
// Using the recursive decorator to scope correctly the function
int factorial(int n) {
    if (n <= 1) {
        return 1;
    return n * factorial(n - 1);

/* Classes & Modules */
// Creating a class with 3 scope types, initialization and invoke method
class pattern_matcher<Input, Param, Output> (
    (Input, (Param -> Ouput))[] cases;
    (Param -> Ouput) default_action;
) {
    Hashtbl.t<Input, Param -> Output> matcher.create(List.length(cases));

    unit init() {
            fun (Input pattern, (Param -> Ouput) action) ->
                Hashtbl.add(matcher, pattern, action),

    Ouput invoke(Param param, Input input) {
        try {
            local auto action = Hashtbl.find(matcher, input);
            return action(param);
        } with Not_found {
            return default_action(param);

// Simple arithmetic module with the complexe struct type
module Arithmetic {
  struct complexe {
    float real, imag

  complex add(complex c1, complex c2) {
    return {
      c1.real +. c2.real,
      c1.imag +. c2.imag


Bagel is a modern, re-stylized version of OCaml







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