Welcome to FizzBuzz! This is the first and initial version of the game, written entirely by myself. I know it could be better but now(in this version) thats it.
FizzBuzz is a classic programming exercise often used in interviews. The rules are simple: players take turns counting up from 1, replacing any number divisible by 3 with "Fizz", any number divisible by 5 with "Buzz", and any number divisible by both 3 and 5 with "FizzBuzz".
To play FizzBuzz:
- Run the Python script provided in this repository. You are P1.
- Follow the prompts to input your choice for each number.
- If your number is divisible by 3, type "Fizz". If it's divisible by 5, type "Buzz". If it's divisible by both 3 and 5, type "FizzBuzz".
- The game will automatically determine if your choice matches the FizzBuzz rules and provide feedback accordingly.