DAQ Arduino, Voltage and Current Data Aquisition Unit.
DAQduino is a standalone DAQ device capable of logging data from a few sources to a CSV file on an SD card, sending data in realtime to a PC, and displaying the data for a particular sensor on a screen
There are several different methods that could be used for basic Data Aquisition tasks with just a few sensors that are easy to integrate with the Arduino Platform.
Arduino streams serial data in CSV format.
- Use Putty/Kitty to record log
- Python program to log to file
- LabVIEW program to log to file
Arduino streams data in JSON format.
- Use Putty/Kitty and export data later
- Python to log to file
Arduino waits for serial message to release data packet
- Putty/Kitty to record log
- LabVIEW for full DAQ implementation
- Python for basic IO Interface - command line?
- Python Desktop App
Full Integration between arduino and desktop software.
- 10v, 12v and 24v outputs for sensor power
- 0 - 10v analog input
- 0 - 5v TTL IO
- 4 - 20mA input
- OLED Screen
- Encoder Control
- Basic Scaling
- 0 - 10 v output
- 0 - 20 mA output
- Serial Data
- Labveiw Integration?