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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 16, 2024. It is now read-only.


Impact edited this page Mar 5, 2023 · 88 revisions

On this page you can see what has (or will be) changed between versions.

Development version

We don't push to master often.
We make our changes in the development branch and merge it into master on release.
If you want to see what has changed since the last release you can simply go and compare the master to the development branch.

0.1.9 (dev)


Compare changes from 0.1.7 to 0.1.8
Release notes


Compare changes from 0.1.6 to 0.1.7
Release notes


  • Plugin-Steam Switch from sockets to system2 to fetch group members with HTTPS
  • Plugin-Ts3 Switch from sockets to system2 to fetch group members with HTTPS
  • Plugin-Steam Add missing checks to GetClientAuthId calls
  • Plugin-Mysql Add missing checks to GetClientAuthId calls
  • Plugin-Ts3 Add missing checks to GetClientAuthId calls
  • Plugin-Mysql Decrease entry pruning timer from 600 to 60 seconds
  • Whole system Move includes to include directory and add all external dependencies
  • Plugin Update hostip to ip conversion logic
  • Plugin-Steam Add feature to list local recipient list
  • Plugin-Steam Fix that reasons list isn't cleared on reload
  • Whole system Replace PrintToClient and PrintToServer with ReplyToCommand inside command callbacks
  • Plugin-Steam Add missing call to clear recipients list on reload
  • Plugin-Steam Add info message to list recipients command when list is empty
  • Plugin-Steam Add info message to list recipients command when recipient is not in messagebot's list
  • Plugin Add check if client index is valid to ChatListener callback
  • Plugin Add russian phrases

Compare changes from 0.1.5 to 0.1.6
Release notes


  • Whole system Ported all plugins and include files to transitional syntax introduced with sourcemod 1.7
  • Plugin Added basic support for report handling
  • Plugin Added sm_calladmin_reload command to reload reasons file
  • Plugin Added french phrases
  • Plugin Added sm_calladmin_steam_reload command to reload steamid and group file
  • Plugin-Steam Added basic support for report handling
  • Plugin-Steam Set default method to the web api method
  • Plugin-Steam Added string representation of result code and send method to failed message log
  • Plugin-Steam Added support for new SteamID type
  • Plugin-Steam Implement max recipient limit
  • Plugin-Steam Fixed an http error while fetching group members
  • Plugin-Steam Removed the http response check for a xml string
  • Plugin-Api Added native Calladmin_GetReportID
  • Plugin-Api Added forward Calladmin_OnReportHandled
  • Plugin-Mysql Add protected flag to sensitive cvars
  • Plugin-Mysql Removed max convar bounds of sm_calladmin_entrypruning_ohphaned convar
  • Plugin-Mysql Fixed name of version convar
  • Plugin-Mysql Fixed a late loading bug with sm_calladmin_table_name
  • Plugin-Ts3 Add protected flag to sensitive cvars
  • Plugin-Ts3 Fixed trying to disconnect socket handle twice
  • Plugin-Usermanager Added state invalidation when a client leaves the server
  • Plugin-Test Added report with a random reason
  • Plugin-Test Added client verification check
  • Webscripts Added detailed information to error outputs
  • Webscripts Added Support for new SteamID type
  • Webscript-Ts3 Fixed a bug where it's possible that, for example in onlinecount.php, admins are counted multiple times
  • Webscript-Ts3 Add support for muted channels

Compare changes from 0.1.4 to 0.1.5
Release notes


  • Plugin Updated translation
  • Plugin Added missing race-condition check to chatlistener (own reason)
  • Plugin Added say2 command to chatlistener
  • Plugin Added forward CallAdmin_OnLogMessage
  • Plugin-Ts3 Changed logerror to calladmins own logmessage function
  • Plugin-Ts3 Fixed that trackercount was incremented instead of set
  • Plugin-Ts3 Fixed an error where information in the message were cut or missing due to too small buffers
  • Plugin-Steam Fixed an error where groups could not be used due to too small buffers
  • Plugin-Steam Changed logerror to calladmins own logmessage function
  • Webscript-Ts3 Fixed wrong order of steamid/name
  • Webscript-Ts3 Updated deprecated keycheck to new serverkey based one
  • Plugin-Mysql Fixed automatic database upgrading errors on a fresh install
  • Plugin-Steam Added connect link inside steam message
  • Plugin-Steam Made group config file header instruction more specific
  • Webscript-Rss Added RSS webscript

Compare changes from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4
Release notes


  • Plugin Added command sm_calladmin as an alternative to sm_call
  • Plugin Deprecated phrases NoTrackers and AdminsAvailable
  • Plugin Splitted mysql functionality into mysql-module
  • Plugin-Mysql Added module mysql
  • Plugin Added convar sm_calladmin_reporttime
  • Plugin Implemented persistent storage of antispam timestamps via clientprefs
  • Plugin Implemented support for an unlimited amount of reasons via a config file
  • Plugin Removed convar sm_calladmin_reasons
  • Plugin Increased reason size from 48 to 128`
  • Plugin-Steam Fixed that windows line endings weren't being removed
  • Plugin-Steam Added support for end of line comments
  • Plugin-Ts3 Added support for TrackerCount
  • Plugin-Usermanager Added usermanager module
  • Plugin-Api Added native ReportClient
  • Plugin-Api Added forward OnServerDataChanged
  • Plugin-Api Added support for non client reports
  • Plugin-Api Added pseudo forward OnRequestTrackersCountRefresh
  • Plugin-Api Added forward CallAdmin_OnReportPre to block calls
  • Plugin-Api Added native CallAdmin_LogMessage
  • Plugin-Mysql Added new table *_Settings to store version numbers etc
  • Plugin-Mysql Added support for automatic database upgrades
  • Plugin-Mysql Added support for serverkeys
  • Webscript Added support for serverkeys

Compare changes from 0.1.2A to 0.1.3
Release notes


  • Plugin Fixing bug that no clients are available

Compare changes from 0.1.1A to 0.1.2A


  • Plugin Fixing bug that clients can select replay clients
  • Plugin Fixing bug that reports won't be send when admin_action is block, whether or not admins are available
  • Plugin Added a fallback to the default database config if key CallAdmin doesn't exist
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