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A list of commands and chat triggers of CallAdmin.

Command introduction

Commands such as !calladmin or /calladmin that you can use in the game's chat are generally known as chat triggers.
When a plugins creates a command sourcemod automatically registers chat triggers for it. If the command is prefixed with sm like sm_calladmin it can be omitted.

Registered command Console command Chat triggers
sm_calladmin sm_calladmin !calladmin, /calladmin, !sm_calladmin, /sm_calladmin
sm_call sm_call !call, /call, !sm_call, /sm_call

Main Plugin

Most of the commands trigger actions that the modules catch and act upon.

Calling command

This opens a menu which lets a players report another player.

The calling command can be used by typing !calladmin or /calladmin in chat or by using sm_calladmin or sm_call in the console.

Handling command

This command was introduced in version 0.1.5, see 0.1.5's release news for more information.

This commands lets admins handle calls.
Calls handled this way trigger a message which lets other admin know that the report was being handled.

The handling command can be used by typing !calladmin_handle, !call_handle or /call_handle, /calladmin_handle in chat or by using sm_call_handle or sm_calladmin_handle in the console.

Reload command

This command was introduced in version 0.1.5, see 0.1.5's release news for more information.

The reload command lets admins reload the config.
A reload triggers two things:

  • The ban reason list is refreshed
  • The list of active reports is cleared

The reload commands can be used by typing !calladmin_reload or /calladmin_reload in chat or sm_calladmin_reload in the console.

Steam Module

Reload command

This command was introduced in version 0.1.5, see 0.1.5's release news for more information.

The reload command lets admins reload the config.

A reload trigger does a few things:

  • The recipient list of messagebot is cleared
  • The steam id list is refreshed
    • Admins are added to messagebot's list
  • The steam group name list is refreshed
    • Admins are being fetched from steam and added to messagebot's list

The reload command can be used by typing !calladmin_steam_reload or /calladmin_steam_reload in chat or sm_calladmin_steam_reload in the console.

Listing recipients

This command was introduced in version 0.1.6.

Admins that are stored inside messagebot's list are called recipients. The following command lets admins view these

The recipient listing command can be used by typing !calladmin_steam_listrecipients or /calladmin_steam_listrecipients in chat or sm_calladmin_steam_listrecipients in the console. You should always use this via the console command.

Test module

This module is used to test the basic CallAdmin functionality.
It hooks all of CallAdmin's forwards and prints messages to the server once they are triggered.

Test command

This command was made usable by non-developers in version 0.1.5, see 0.1.5's release news for more information.

The test command can be used by typing !calladmin_test or /calladmin_test in chat or calladmin_test in the console. While all of these methods work, to get all the information you must use this as a rcon command in the server's console or monitor the server's console while using it.

It does a few things:

  • Generates a random reason and reports the client (if called by a client in-game) which called the command
  • Prints the current tracker count to the server's console
  • Logs a message "loggingtest"


Chat triggers are configurable, !command and /command is the default and as such this is used as examples. We recommend to use the silent trigger.