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Impact edited this page Apr 17, 2021 · 19 revisions

CallAdmin depends on code from the projects listed below for its functionality. The repository already contains all the dependencies needed to compile so you can compile directly from the source code.
Please read the Compiling SourceMod Plugins wiki page before you continue.

CallAdmin needs to be compiled with at least Sourcemod 1.9. We currently use snapshots of the stable 1.10 and dev 1.11 branches.
We recommend you use the stable 1.10 branch, that's what we currently use for releases.

All plugins

These dependencies are required for all plugins and/or modules


AutoExecConfig is used to generate and update the plugin config files you find in the cfg/sourcemod folder.


Updater is used to automatically update the plugin on servers where it's installed.

Calladmin Ts3-Module

The ts3 module has the following additional dependencies.


System2 is used to get trackers from the web scripts.

Calladmin Steam-Module

The steam module has the following additional dependencies.


MessageBot is used to send messages via steam.


System2 is used to fetch members from steam groups.