I'm Imran Sarkar, located in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and I am a self-taught software engineer passionate about coding since 2016. With over two years of professional experience, I have developed proficiency across various domains of software development.
- Symmetric encryption
- Asymmetric encryption (RSA, Diffie-Hellman, and Elliptic Curve Cryptography)
- Hash (SHA-256)
- Network protocols (TCP, UDP, ICMP, IGMP)
- Networking OSL Model
- NAT(Network Address Translation) and PAT(Port Address Translation)
- Net Traversal, STUN & TURN
- Peer 2 Peer networking
- Networking security
- SQL injection and request payload
- Malicious payload injection
- Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
- Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
- Regular expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
- DoS, DDoS, Slow loris DDoS
- Keylogger, Rat, etc..
- Searching
- Sorting (merge sort, quick, insertion, bubble sort, time sort, counting sort, radix sort, etc..)
- Divide and conquer (merge sort, rod cutting, etc..)
- Dynamic Programming
- Grady algorithm
- Backtracking
- Multi threading solution, etc..
- Array, List, Linked List
- Stack, Queue
- Heap, Prioraty Queue
- Graph and tree
- Binary tree, Binary Search tree
- Balanced Binary Tree, AVL tree, Red Black Tree
- B tree, B+ tree, etc..