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Collection implementations and default implementations

Ábel Hegedüs edited this page Jul 30, 2015 · 2 revisions

Problems with default implementation

  • There are no templates for element at index, insert element at index and replace element at index in any CPPSequence default implementation but since vector is a possible choice they should probably contains some.

  • At the CPPClassRefAssocCollection we can use both map and set but they need different parameters (see in the table below).

template SET parameters MAP parameters
add collection, value, result collection, key, value, result
clone collection, valueType, result collection, keyType, valueType, result
contains collection, value, result collection, key, result
count of collection, value, result collection, key, result
remove all collection, values, valuesType, valueType collection, values, keyType, valueType

Explanation for the map's add template

The old template was too long so we changed it to a shorter variant. There is a little explanation here because it may be difficult to understand the new version. Now we use this template:

bool $result$ = $collection$.insert(::std::make_pair($key$, $value$)).second;

instead of this template:

::std::pair< ::std::_Rb_tree_iterator< ::std::pair< const $keyType$, $valueType$> >, bool> __result__ = $collection$.insert(::std::make_pair($key$, $value$));
bool $result$ = __result__.second;

but they are essentially the same.

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