In this data science and machine learning project, I build a model to classify sports celebrity. I restrict classification to only 5 people
- Lionel Messi
- Malek Jaziri
- Ons jabeur
- Rafael Nadal
- Maria Sharapova
While working on this project I followed these steps:
- Data collection using "fatkun" chrome extention
- Use Opencv library for face and eyes detection
- Data Cleaning using a technique of opencv called haar cascades for face and eyes detection
- Extracting meaning features using wavelet transforms
- Model building using defferent ML algorythmes of Sklearn librairy (SVM, logistic regression, random forest )
- Model fine tunning using gridsearchcv
- Export model to a file using joblib librairy
- Write python flask server that can server http requests generated by UI
- Build UI using HTML,CSS,javascript and JQuery used to make http calls to python flask backend
Here is the folder structure :
- Website : This contains ui website code
- server: Python flask server
- model: Contains python notebook for model building
Technologies used in this project:
#Python #Numpy #OpenCV #Matplotlib #Seaborn #Sklearn #Jupyter_notebook #flask #HTML/CSS/Javascript