- Calculator: General Information: I want to use a program which can calculate basic mathematical operations. Acceptance Criteria:
- The calculator must support the Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division operations.
- All operations must be in a different module as method.
- Operations must define with two float numbers as parametres.
- Use math.ceil() for all results.
- Create a menu to choose an operation.
- User can choose invalid options, so you must handle all possible error. (Use try except :))
- Inform user what type of error occured (TypError, ValueError etc.)
- This process must continue until user want to quit from calculator.
- Random Password General Information: I want to use a program which can generate random password and display the result on user interface. Acceptance Criteria:
- Use tkinter package to solve the problem. (You can use the random student codes as template)
- Password length must be 10 characters long.
- It must contain at least 2 upper case letter, 2 digits and 2 special symbols.
- You must import some required modules or packages.
- The GUI of program must contain at least a button and a label (customize the screen according to yourself)
- The result should be display on the password label when the user click the generate button.
- Requests General Information: I want to choose random information with the requests module. Acceptance Criteria
- Get the name, surname, city and country information of a random person by using the requests module. (Example=> name:Amber, surname: Murray, city: Salisbury, country: United Kingdom)
- Make lowercase and adjacent by removing the spaces. (Example=> ambermurraysalisburyunitedkingdom)
- Then randomly shuffle the location of all the characters. (Example=> mberarrumasyarubsiluniydetmdoingk)
- Apply this process for 100 different people and write in a list.
- Find that has the most characters and print it.
- Number Guessing Game General Information: I want to play a game which I can guess a number. The computer chooses a number in the range I chose. So that I can try to find the correct number which was selected by computer. Acceptance Criteria:
- Computer must randomly pick an integer from user selected a range, i.e., from A to B, where A and B belong to Integer.
- Your program should prompt the user for guesses if the user guesses incorrectly, it should print whether the guess is too high or too low.
- If the user guesses correctly, the program should print total time and total number of guesses.
- You must import some required modules or packages You can assume that the user will enter valid input.
BONUS QUESTION 5) Random Student (Problem Solving Example) General Information: I want to choose a random student in Pyton Class-2 Coursiers Acceptance Criteria:
- Make changes to the random student codes that has been shared with you.
- In current state, the program chooses a random one from the list when the button is pressed.
- What is expected of you is to ensure that the selected person is not selected during 3 hands. (As we talk about in the lesson)