Documentation for the API can be found here:
Smartweb uses a soap client to pool from their servers.
The easiest way to initiate:
$client = new \inkpro\smartwebapi\Client(["Username"=>"myuser", "Password"=>"mypassword"]);
If you need to specify a wsdl url, you can do like this:
$client = new \inkpro\smartwebapi\Client(
["Username"=>"myuser", "Password"=>"mypassword"],
For available methods, take a look in /src/Client.php
Usage of available methods:
Retrieves all products
$products = $client->getAllProducts();
Retrieves a product
$product = $client->getProduct();
Updates a product
@param object $product Product object, should include either Id or ItemNumber prop.
$status = $client->updateProduct($product);
Deletes a product
$status = $client->deleteProduct($id);
Retrieves all categories
$categories = $client->getAllCategories();
Retrieves a category
$category = $client->getCategory($categoryId);
Retrieves all users.
$users = $client->getUsers();
Retrieves all newsletter users.
$users = $client->getNewsletterUsers();
UnSubscribe user from newsletter.
$status = $client->unsubscribeNewsletterUser($user);
Gets a user by id.
$user = $client->getUser($id);
Gets a user by email.
$user = $client->getUserByEmail($email);
Creates a user
@param object $user User object, corresponding to smartweb UserCreate schema.
* @see
$status = $client->createUser($user);
Create order
@param object $order OrderData object, corresponding to smartweb Order_Create schema.
$status = $client->createOrder($order);
Get Order
$order = $client->getOrder($orderId);
Retrieves all Orders
* @param DateTime $start The first date to get orders from.
* @param DateTime $end The last date to get orders from.
* @param array $status The status codes of the orders you want to get.
$orders = $client->getOrders($start, $end, $status);
Gets all orders made by a certain user.
$orders = $client->getUsersOrders($userId);
Updates the comment on an order.
* @param $order Order to update.
$status = $client->updateOrderComment($order, $comment);
Updates the status on an order.
* @param $order Order to update.
$status = $client->updateOrderStatus($order, $status);
Creates invoice from an order.
* @param $order Order
* @param int $maturity_interval The amount of days from today's date to set the maturity date for the Invoice (0, 8, 14 or 30 days).
$status = $client->createInvoice($order, $maturity_interval);
Gets all images linked to a product id.
$images = $client->getProductImages($productId, $shopId);
Gets all orderlines from a certain order.
$orderLines = $client->getOrderLines($orderId);
Gets all orderlines from a certain order.
$orderLines = $client->getOrderLines($orderId);
Updates orderline status
* @param OrderLine $order_line Orderline to update. Must have Id property.
$status = $client->updateOrderLineStatus($orderline, $status);
Retrieves a customer
$order = $client->getCustomer($orderId);