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How to use


First, you should install and run the monkeyd server:

./install.cmd (For windows) or ./ (For linux)
./monkeyd [-port 2016]

Then, you can use monkey shell to manage it: ./monkey [-port 2016]

Sorry, MonkeyDB2 only support local access up to now.

Otherwise, you can use your favourite language, eg:

var monkey = require("./monkey")
monkey.connect(function() {
    monkey.query("select * from t1", function(data) {
        data = JSON.parse(data)

or Python:

import monkey

cmd = raw_input("Monkey>>")
while (cmd != "quit" and cmd != "quit;"):
    res = monkey.SendCmd(cmd)
    print res
    cmd = raw_input("Monkey>>")

And the commands supported are follow:

  • show tables
Monkey>>show tables;
|a    |
1  row(s) affected in  0 s.
  • show table table
Monkey>>show table a;
|filed|type  |key|
|id   |INT   |N  |
|name |STRING|N  |
1  row(s) affected in  0 s.
  • create table table ( filed type attributes)
Monkey>>create table test (
      ->id int primary key,
      ->name string unique,
      ->gpa float);
0  row(s) affected in  0.002001 s.
  • insert into table(fileds...) values (...), ...
Monkey>>insert into test(id, name, gpa) values (1, 'InsZVA', 2.9), (2, 'LowesYang', 5.0);
2  row(s) affected in  0 s.
  • select fields... from table where ...
Monkey>>select * from test where id=2 or name='InsZVA';
|id|name     |gpa|
|1 |InsZVA   |2.9|
|2 |LowesYang|5  |
2  row(s) affected in  0 s.
  • update table set field = value where ...
Monkey>>update test set gpa=3.2 where id=1;
1  row(s) affected in  0.0009849 s.
  • delete from table where ...
Monkey>>delete from test where id=1;
1  row(s) affected in  0 s.
  • create index index on table(field)
Monkey>>create index in1 on test(gpa);
0  row(s) affected in  0.001001 s.
  • drop index index
Monkey>>drop index in1;
0  row(s) affected in  0.0009831 s.
  • drop table table
Monkey>>drop table test;
0  row(s) affected in  0.0020041 s.

Below is nosql support

  • createkv kvTable keyType valueType
Monkey>>createkv kv int string;
0  row(s) affected in  0.0019841 s.
  • set kvTable key value
Monkey>>set kv 1 'abv';
1  row(s) affected in  0 s.
  • get kvTable key
Monkey>>get kv 1;
|abv  |
1  row(s) affected in  0 s.
  • remove kvTable key
Monkey>>remove kv 1;
1  row(s) affected in  0 s.

KVTable can also be produced by SQL-clause like below

  • drop table kvTable
Monkey>>drop table kv;
0  row(s) affected in  0.0020001 s.

Use it in programing

MonkeyDB2 support Node.js & Python (and more in future), you can import monkey package , and send command above to access the monkey database, and the return of these functions is a json object with 3 elements: relation, result and error like:


You can produce this json in your own program.

MonkeyDB2 Features

A stable database


MonkeyDB2 use memory storage rather than hard disk or SSD, but it doesn't means data will loss easily.
MonkeyDB2 use technologys below to ensure stable.

  • Persistent cache sensitive index [finished]
  • 可持久化的缓存敏感型索引 [finished]
  • File image maped memory objects [finished]
  • 基于磁盘文件镜像的内存对象 [finished]
  • Shadow pages for transaction
  • 处理事务的影子页

A high performance database


  • MonkeyDB2 use memory to storage both data and index, so it will be faster when query or insert. [finished]
  • MonkeyDB2使用内存来储存数据和索引,在查询和插入时会更快。 [finished]
  • MonkeyDB2 use cache sensitive index, when it can use index to query, there will be a high performance.
  • MonkeyDB2使用缓存敏感索引,当查询用到索引时,将会有一个良好的表现。
  • MonkeyDB2 use a good query optimizer which will simplify user query and get a quick execute plan.
  • MonkeyDB2使用了一个不错的查询优化器,可以简化用户查询来获得一个快速的执行计划。

A multifunctional database


  • MonkeyDB2 support both standard SQL and NoSQL to process data. [part-finished]
  • MonkeyDB2同时支持标准SQL和NoSQL来处理数据 [part-finished]
  • MonkeyDB2 provide many utils to monitor and improve running state.
  • MonkeyDB2提供了大量工具来监视和改善运行状态
  • MonkeyDB2 support distributed arrangement, parted table and parted database.
  • MonkeyDB2支持分布式部署,分库分表
  • MonkeyDB2 support both unix-like and windows [part-finished]
  • MonkeyDB2同时支持类Unix系统(linux, Mac, ...)和Windows系统 [part-finished]

A security database


  • MonkeyDB2 will not accept hard insertion without prepare or bind.
  • MonkeyDB2不接受未经过参数绑定或准备的硬插入
  • MonkeyDB2 can listen on unix socket or tcp, and with a white/black list.
  • MonkeyDB2可以侦听unix套接字或者TCP,设置黑白名单
  • MonkeyDB2 can transport data with encoding, even separate for data and command.
  • MonkeyDB2可以编码传输数据,甚至为数据和命令使用不同的编码


A stable and reliable SQL & NoSQL support RAM database






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