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InvoicePlane edited this page Jul 17, 2014 · 1 revision

The Invoice Lifecycle

Invoice statuses follow the lifecycle of an invoice from draft to paid and allow you to keep track of where each of your invoices are in their lifecycle. Each of the statuses listed below are automatically set for you when specific activity occurs with an invoice, but you may also choose to manually change the status at any time during the invoice lifecycle.

  • Draft
    When an invoice is first created, it is placed in Draft status by default. Sending an invoice by email will automatically change the status from Draft to Sent. Clients cannot view any invoices when they are in Draft status.

  • Sent
    When InvoicePlane sends an invoice to a client by email, it will place the invoice in Sent status. This occurs when using the Send Email function and it also occurs when a recurring invoice is automatically emailed. Clients can view any of their invoices when they are in Sent status.

  • Viewed
    When a client views the invoice by either using the Guest URL to view the invoice or by using their Guest Login account (if they have one), the invoice will be placed in Viewed status. This allows you to keep track of which invoices a client has looked at.

  • Paid
    Once an online or offline payment has been made in full against an invoice, the invoice will be placed in Paid status.

  • Overdue
    Any invoice with a due date prior to the current date will be visible as being overdue. Overdue invoices appear in invoice lists with a red due date so they are easily seen.

Creating an Invoice

To create a new invoice, either choose Invoices from the main menu and select Create Invoice, or from the invoice list, click the New button near the top right of the page.

When creating a invoice, start typing the name of the client to create the invoice for. If it's an existing client, choose their name from the list that appears. If it's a new client, type their full name or business name. Choose the date and invoice group and press the Submit button.

To add the first item, fill in the item, description, quantity and price fields. To add more items, press the Add Item button and repeat. When finished, press the Save button.

The Options button near the top of the edit quotes page displays a menu with a number of items when clicked:

  • Add Invoice Tax - Apply a tax to the entire invoice
  • Enter Payment - Enter a payment for the invoice
  • Download PDF - Download a copy of the invoice as PDF
  • Send Email - Send the invoice to the client via email
  • Copy Invoice - Create a copy of the invoice
  • Create Recurring - Set the invoice to recur
  • Delete - Delete the invoice

Adding Items

Pressing the Add Item button will add a new line item. Press it as many times as you have line items to add, fill each line in and press the Save button when finished.

Each new line item will have an option to save the item as a lookup. If adding an item which will be frequently added to many quotes or invoices, the item can be saved for future reference.

To add an item which has been previously been saved as an item lookup, press the Add Item From Lookup button and choose the item(s) to add to the quote. Be sure and press the Save button after adding items to your quote.

Changing Item Order

The order in which an item appears on a quote or invoice can be changed by clicking and dragging the item row to a new position.

Adding Tax

To apply a tax against the entire invoice, choose Add Invoice Tax from the Options button. Choose the appropriate tax rate and placement from the window that appears and press the Submit button. That tax will be calculated against the invoice total.

Copying an Invoice

To copy an invoice, choose Copy Invoice from the Options button. Change the client name, if appropriate, and then select the invoice date and invoice group and press the Submit button. All items, taxes and amounts from the source invoice will be copied to a new invoice.

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