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InvoicePlane edited this page Jul 17, 2014 · 1 revision

Tax rates are configured by clicking the Settings icon and selecting the Tax Rates entry. Adding any applicable tax rates to this area allows you to select those tax rates from your invoices and quotes.

Applying tax to a single invoice item

To apply a tax rate to a single item on an invoice, go to the edit invoice screen and select the tax rate to apply on that item's row. Always remember to press the Save button before you move to any other screen after you've made changes on the Invoice Edit screen.

Applying tax to an entire invoice

To apply a tax rate against the entire invoice, click the Options menu item and select the Add Invoice Tax entry from the edit invoice screen. Select the appropriate tax rate and whether or not it should be applied after or before any item tax rates.

Applying tax to a single quote item

To apply a tax rate to a single item on a quote, go to the edit quote screen and select the tax rate to apply on that item's row. Always remember to press the Save button before you move to any other screen after you've made changes on the Quote Edit screen.

Applying tax to an entire quote

To apply a tax rate against the entire quote, click the Options menu item and select the Add quote Tax entry from the edit quote screen. Select the appropriate tax rate and whether or not it should be applied after or before any item tax rates.

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