Mobile application of the EDUCO project, an online educational platform oriented to communities, designed for a technical course conclusion work (Systems Development - ETEC Abdias do Nascimento - 2021). Developed with Ionic, Angular and CapacitorJS.
- Get and configure the EDUCO project server from this repository.
- Enter the base URL of the server configured in the step above in the "external.config.json" file.
- Isaac Dennis Sombra Moreira Alves (Mobile app development)
- Caio Vitor Urbano Neves (Website development - [available at this link]( project))
- Fabiano Barros Rocha (Server development)
- Luiz Felipe Carvalho Leite (Development of a 3D game demo - [available at this link](https: //
- Lucas Martins de Souza (Development of a 3D game demo)
- David Borges de Almeida (Development of a 3D game demo)
Optical character recognition was implemented with the TesseractJS library, a wrapper for the Tesseract OCR engine programmed in C++. The library supports more than 100 languages, including Portuguese.
The application is able to access the device's native functionalities, such as the camera and gallery, to perform optical character recognition.