"I suck at poker." ~ Me
This simple Java project includes several files that takes in a multi-line input of player id's and hands of cards and outputs the winner(s) of the poker game. I have split up the implementation between five files, one being a wrapper for the game for the sake of modularity. It was originally coded in Eclipse (Mac), then exported as a runnable jar file.
Note: the Java Runtime Environment must be installed before running this program.
- cd to the directory containing Poker.jar and the tests folder (in the downloaded Poker folder).
- To run the program with the testing script type: ./run_tests "java -jar Poker.jar"
- To run by itself with manual user input type: java -jar Poker.jar
Installing Java: https://www.java.com/en/download/help/download_options.xml
- Assumed that the input will always be in the correct format, although system exits have been added if card format/number/num players is incorrect.
- Users can input card letter formats as capital or lower case letters.
- User ids do not have to be sequential, but have to be 2-digit numbers.
- Suits are all considered equal.
- I included additional tests within the tests folder.