Hyte is a webapp which allows for easy sharing of HTML documents. This is useful for sharing demos, notebooks, and the like.
To use it, you first must PAQ-compress your HTML document, and encode it in base64.
Then, take the b64 string and append it like so:
You may then open that url in any browser, and Hyte will decode your document from the hash, and set the contents of the page to your document.
All javascript, CSS, imports, etc work.
NodeJS encoder:
import { paq } from "./paq_node.mjs"
import fs from "fs"
function Uint8ArrayTobase64(array) {
let b = ""
let len = array.byteLength
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
b += String.fromCharCode(array[i])
return btoa(b)
//Call out to templating software, read static file from disk, etc
let my_html = "<html><body><h1>Hello World</h1></body></html>"
let my_html_bytes = new TextEncoder().encode(my_html)
let my_html_compressed = await (paq(my_html_bytes))
console.log("https://iskander0.github.io/hyte/#" + Uint8ArrayToBase64(my_html_compressed))
Written in collaboration with ChatGPT4
Inspired by : itty.bitty