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Put Gang Console

The Put Gang project is broken into two repositories: put-gang-landing and put-gang-console. The former is just a landing page from which the signup flow is initialized. The customer completes the Stripe payment flow from here via modals. Some data is then passed to put-gang-console via params, where the Firebase user is created. This gives access to a dashboard / console where either just <Settings/> are displayed (for junior users) or full MLM access (for senior users).

Multi-Level Marketing Structure

The user hierarchy has 5 levels as follows: admin, level-1, level-2, level-3 and standard. That is also the order of seniority, with the last two at the roughly the same access level and considered 'junior'. The other 3 are typically regarded as 'senior'. Since the admin is the most senior, they have access to everything and can see all users. There is only a single admin per project.

New affiliate users are created by using a referral link to signup (see <Links/> section in the console UI description below). For example, if an admin user provides a link to a new user, then the new user will have a role of level-1. Similarly, a level-1 user will produce a level-2 which in turn can produce a level-3. If a user signs up without an affiliate link, they will be standard and outside of the MLM system.

By default, the MLM structure is hidden from a level-2 user. However, they can opt-in and gain access to the admin console. This allows them to see all of the pages listed in the console UI structure below.

Affiliate users can only see their subordinates. As an example, a level-1 user would be able to see level-2 users whom they have recruited. The level-1 would also see level-3 users who that level-2 has recruited. So basically anyone below them in the hierarchy tree. However, they would not have access to users at a lower level that have been recruited by someone else not originating from them.

Console User Interface Structure

The console UI is broken down into two broad parts: The navigation menu on the left hand side and the user menu at the top right. Only senior users have access to the former whereas all users have access to the latter.

Navigation Menu

When a senior user gains entry after logging in, they have access to several different pages via the nav menu. There is <Console/>, <Users/>, <Affiliates/>, <Links/> and <Charts/>.

The <Console/> displays stats related to revenue, MRR and payment due to the affiliate(s). There is also an activities list that displays recent events to senior users.

Within <Users/> is a table that displays all users when admin or just subordinates for other senior users. This lists role, membership level, join and expiry dates. Clicking on a user opens a modal that displays their payment history and a list of receipts.

Similarly, <Affiliates/> is a table that just lists subordinate affiliates of the user in the MLM structure (and thus never standard or level-3 users). This gives the stats for each of them. Clicking on an affiliate opens the <Affiliate/> page where the stats are displayed again at the top followed by a list of all the affiliates invoices and their payment statuses.

The <Links/> section is for senior users and contains several automatically generated links that can be easily copied and given to prospective customers. These are the web addresses of put-gang-landing but with params relating to the user. Any customer that uses one of these links to signup will become a subordinate user of the referrer.

Finally, the <Charts/> section displays aggregated stats data for the past year for the admin user only.

User Menu

The user menu has three parts - Home, <Settings/> and Logout. These are available to all users.

Selecting Home redirects to the default page for the user. If they are senior, then Home will redirect to <Console/>. For junior users, they will remain on <Settings/> as they don't have access to the navigation menu.

The <Settings/> section allows the user to configure several pieces of data for their account. They can set name as will appear throughout the console. They can also set their insta handle which sets a profile image. The Discord integration is also set here. The admin can also toggle the availability of card payments. For junior users (including level-2 without MLM activation), this is the only page they have access to.

The last part is Logout that logs the user out of Firebase and returns them to the login page.

Initial Setup

Since the whole project lies behind a login screen, even just setting up the Put Gang project as a developer requires hooking up to Firebase. Ask for the credentials from @phillypro.

If creating a new platform (i.e. outside of Put Gang) from this repository, set up a new Firebase project first. This will be required for hosting, functions and Firestore database.

Either way, fork the project and run the following shell commands.

npm install -g firebase-tools

After setting up the Firebase project, install the Firebase CLI.

firebase login

You will also need to login and link this project to the remote, which will be the Google account associated with it.

Project Setup

In the put-gang-console directory, run the following commands:

npm install

Install all of the Node dependencies for React and other third party packages used in the frontend.

npm run start

Opens the browser at localhost:3000 on the login page.

cd functions && npm install

Navigate to the functions folder in a new shell tab to complete configuration of Firebase functions. Install all of the Node dependencies for Express and other third party packages used by Firebase functions.

npm run start

Run the start script to spin up a new server. This allows local access to Firebase Functions.

Contribution Guidelines

When building a new feature, developers should create a new branch. On completion, the branch should be pushed to main for review by the repo owner (@Isoaxe or @phillypro in the case of Put Gang). Following a successful review, the branch will be merged with main. It is the developers responsibility to fully test the new feature and ensure that it works as expected.

npm run deploy (repo owner only)

Navigate to the put-gang-console root directory. After merging the feature branch to main and pulling from the remote, the project owner (not the developer) should deploy the updated codebase to the hosted environment. This automatically builds a production version when done.