I like to code most of my projects in python but I use other languages such as java, javascript (which idk if it is a proper language but idc) and SQL. Most of the time I'm either creating games for HTML so I can install them on my phone and if im not doing that then im building a ultilty script in python that helps me or im using HTML and python when I work with flask.
I've built my own website, which you can check out at https://mileswebsite.ddns.net. It showcases my skills and accomplishments in more detail than I could fit here. I also have a blog site which RangerRhino23 created but I post blogs too https://pyblog.ddns.net/home. Recently I've built a brand new site called "Bailey's chatroom" which the name is handcrafted for perfection, anyways it cost me 1 month of my life to make this but i am glad I did because it is one of the most funnest projects I've ever done, you can check out the site at: https://www.baileyschatroom.co.uk
While I used JavaScript and HTML to build my site, I have yet to master languages like PHP and SQL. However, when it comes to Python, I'm a real expert. I'm currently in year 11 (or grade 10, depending on where you're from), and I'm proud to say that I'm at the top of my class. I even beat my teacher in practical skills!
Like I said in my intro I mainly use python but I use langauges like Java and occasionaly I will use C# when im using unity, though I haven't used unity in a while nor do I plan on using it anytime soon. Right now im not advanced in java like I am in python as its hard for me to learn java as I learn it at my school but it requires a JDK which I can't install without admin so right now my learning speed is hindered by that otherwise my skills in HTML, JS and python are quite good considering I've only worked on these languages for about 1 year
If you're curious about my work, be sure to check out my itch account. There, you'll find a few games I've made and am currently working on, such as nextbots and sus clicker: python version.
I haven't created many apps and or games but I do make little side games which you can see in my repos. As of 2023 I am currently working on a mobile app called "Clicker heros" (spelt incorrectly cause why not) which uses the taptapir framework on javascript by one of my favourite developers, @pokepetter
Thanks for taking the time to read my README. I can't wait to see what exciting projects the future holds!