npm install jbdap-makeup --save
yarn add jbdap-makeup
- String
- String.prototype.replaceAll(oldStr,newStr) - global replacement function, no need to write regExp
- String.prototype.removeBlank() - remove all blanks
- String.prototype.removeEOL() - remove all line-breaks
- String.prototype.toHash(cipher) - get the hash value by different ciphers, such as md5/sha256
- String.prototype.md5() - a shortcut for generating a md5 hash
- String.prototype.sha256()
- String.prototype.sha512()
- String.prototype.padLeft(len,char) - padding a string to specific length with one character
- String.prototype.padRight(len,char)
- Date
- Date.makeOne(year,month,day,hour,minute,second,milsec) - the only difference between this and new Date() is that you need not to assign the month parameter to 0 when you actually mean the 1st month (January), i think this way is more humanized
- Date.prototype.addMinutes()
- Date.prototype.addHours()
- Date.prototype.addDays()
- Date.prototype.dateString() - converting a Date Object to a string, ignoring the timezone, just the same as what you get from a local clock
- Date.prototype.timeString() - it does the same work as dateString(), except only getting the time part
- Date.prototype.dtString() - dtString() = dateString() + ' ' + timeString()
- Number
- Number.randomBetween(min,max) - get a random number between min and max