42 school project we will implements cipher text encryption in C without using most of the standard libary.
Allow funtion
- open
- close
- read
- write
- malloc
- free
- base64
- des
- des-cbc
- des-ecb
- des3
- des3-ede
- des3-ede-cbc
- -e, encrption (default)
- -d, decryption
- -i, file input at next argument
- -o, file output at next argument
- -a, decode/encode the input/output in base64, depending on the encrypt mode
- -d, decrypt mode
- -e, encrypt mode (default)
- -i, input file for message
- -k, key in hex is the next arguement. (Behave like openssl des -K not openssl des -k)
- -o, output file for message
- -p, password in ascii is the next argument. (Behave like a modifiedd openssl des -pass not like openssl des -p or -P)
- -s, the salt in hex is the next argument. (Behave like openssl des -S)
- -v, initialization vector in hex is the next argument. (Behave like openssl des -iv not openssl des -v)
clone the repository:
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/JCTGY/ft_ssl_des.git ft_ssl_des
cd ~/ft_ssl_des
./ft_ssl base64 [-i file] [-o file] [-d] [-e]
./ft_ssl ciphername [-a] [-d] [-e] [-i file] [-v IV]
[-k key] [-o file] [-p pass] [-s salt]
Base64 wiki algorithum
The DES Algorithm Illustrated by J. Orlin Grabbe
Data Encryption Standard wiki page
DES PDF from Cleveland State University
Encryption operating modes: ECB vs CBC
OpenSSL 3DES encrytion parameters