A website monitoring and status page application design to be deploy on cloudflare at no cost
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Go to Cloudflare Workers& Pages, Create an application, Pages, Connect to Git
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Change setting Build settings
- Framework preset:
- Build command:
cp .yarnrc.yml site && cp yarn.lock site && node ./scripts/removeLocalDeps.js && cd site && yarn install --immutable=false --mode=update-lockfile && npx @cloudflare/next-on-pages@1
- Build output directory:
Environment variables (advanced)
- Framework preset:
Create and deploy
Go to Settings, Functions, Compatibility flags add
Monitoring app
- Messure website response time at different locations
- Cloudflare Worker
- Cloudflare KV store
Status/Performance website
- Cloudflare Pages
Inspired by https://github.com/eidam/cf-workers-status-page