Project 1 is the first JHU Bootcamp team project collaboration, focused on: html, css, javascript, use of local storage, and responsive web design. The title of our innovative project idea is Event Finder+. It is an application that allows a user to search and find upcoming events and local breweries near the venue. This app will run in the browser and feature dynamically updated HTML, CSS, and javascript. This application emphasizes the use of server-side APIs to get information from commercially-available sources and interact with user input data to generate the event, brewery, and map details.
- User can see the top five events list.
- User can view the details about date, time, and venue.
- User can view local breweries on a map with links to the breweries.
- User can view the event image and stadium map.
- User have direct access to buy tickets.
- For css styling, the application uses UIkit.
- To format date and time, the application uses the Moment.js library.
- For additional fonts, the application uses Fontawesome and GoogleFonts.
The local storage is used here to store previous searched events up to three. If any non-related name is searched, it will notify the user. For a convenient and clear look, we have made the UI simple and attractive with appripriate css style and google fonts.
Higher Res:
- Link for the deployed application Event FInder+
- Link for the Github repository Host by Github