Disaster App For Medical Preparedness Project
Disaster App for Medical Preparedness, DAMP, is an Android project focused on providing a platform to host medical response plans for individuals concerned with their health/safety, so that in the case of a medical emergency they have immediate access to procedures of how to handle such an occurance. As part of our junior design Georgia Tech team, JID-7155 'Ad Revenue', we are composed of five members:
Aaron Andrews
.Elie Diaz
.Adrian Rodriguez-Febres
.Melissa Essue
.Joshua Valdez
- Pre-requesites:
- Download and install Android Studio.
- Dependent Libraries:
- None.
- Download Instructions:
- Access the repository here.
- Click 'Clone or download' at the top right.
- Build Instructions:
- Open the project folder in Android Studio. It will automatically configure the application by the gradle settings.
- Run Instructions:
- Run the application in an emulator or connected mobile device of your choice.
1.00 (Current):
- If utilizing on an emulator, please note that Maps functionality will assume the Google HQ as current location unless current coordinates are sent through the emulator toolkit.
- You MUST replace the Google Maps API key with your own. It is located in the Android Manifest file.
- The step list on the plan screen now parses each step as a separate item in a listview.
- All entry text fields are now more flexible and grow as neccessary.
- Fixed exception that occured when accessing a patient who currently has no plans.
- General UI improvements across the app, particularly the Maps Screen.
- The edit/delete button on the view plans screen now changes color to reflect what mode the user is in.
- Returning to the view plans screen now forces the user into Edit mode.
Missing Features:
- Currently there are no constraints on user input, allowing empty plan and patient names among other things.
- Plan importing and exporting has yet to be implemented.
- There is no way of bypassing a phone's locking system in the case of an emergency.
- Q. Who do I contact for more info?
- A. Our team lead, Adrian Rodriguez, at aorf3@gatech.edu
- Q. Am I free to use and modify this project for whatever purposes I see, be it commercial or personal?
- A. You are free to modify and utilize our code for any and all purposes, but all five original team members must be credited accordingly as contributors.