- We make use of this repository to store team gpgkeys and shared secrets.
- Generate an ssh key specific for our organization
- Output from key generation
Generating a new Gnu PGP key for your userid
If you make any mistakes, just Control-c and rerun
What is your email address? <ex: ober@linbsd.org>: ober2@linbsd.org
What is your full name? <ex: Ober Heim>: ober heim
What is your password? <ex: AbraCadabra1234>: Please reenter your password for verification: Thanks
gpg: Generating a basic OpenPGP key
gpg: WARNING: nothing exported
sec 4096R/CB42578D 2018-04-25
uid ober heim (GnuPG for LinBSD) <ober2@linbsd.org>
gpg: key CB42578D: secret key imported
gpg: key CB42578D: public key "ober heim (GnuPG for LinBSD) <ober2@linbsd.org>" imported
gpg: key CB42578D: "ober heim (GnuPG for LinBSD) <ober2@linbsd.org>" not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 2
gpg: imported: 1 (RSA: 1)
gpg: unchanged: 1
gpg: secret keys read: 1
gpg: secret keys imported: 1
Key has been generated
On branch master
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
Please add your key to git and commit, cut and paste the following:
git add gpgkeys/* && git commit -a -m "Add gpg key for ober2@linbsd.org" && git push
- Run the last command given to push key to remote origin
git add gpgkeys/* && git commit -a -m "Add gpg key for ober2@linbsd.org" && git push