Vim plugin for eZchat
export ez_host=''
export ez_port=64xxx
PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/eZchat/ <- your eZchat path
PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/.vim/bundle/vim-ezchat/autoload <- vim-eZchat/autoload
-> in later releases those paths should not be set by the user
start vim with
vim --servername ez
if you want automatic event trigger
ez_width = 45
ez_preview_height = 15
ez_preview_bottom = 0
ez_statusline_height = 4
ez_map_move_older = 'j'
ez_map_move_newer = 'k'
ez_map_close = 'q'
ez_prefer_python3 = 0
ez_menu_right = 0
ez_send_message = 'S'
map :EZchatToggle