FEUP Boxing is a 2D game developed in Unreal Engine for the Computer Games Development course of MIEIC @ FEUP.
- Single player mode against AI-controlled enemy
- Multiplayer online mode integrated with Steam
- Special powers including fireballs, teleport and invisibility
- Collectables that restore HP and energy
- Highscores
Demo video:
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Install Unreal Engine 4 and Visual Studio
- Right-click on DJCO_BoxingGame.uproject and select Generate Visual Studio project files
- Open DJCO_BoxingGame.sln and build the project
- Start the application
- Unreal Engine 4 - Game engine
- João Faria - JoaoPascoalFaria
- João Maia - JPMMaia
- Luís Reis - LuisEduardoReis