JQI AutomatioN for Experiments (JANE) is a 64-output channel digital pattern generator/primary clock device for atomic physics experiments. Jane is designed to work with the Labscript Suite of software and is capable of controlling a wide variety of hardware devices, including digital to analog converters (DAC), digital direct synthesizers (DDS), mechanical shutters, and many other commonly used hardware devices.
Jane is comprised of a Microzed-7020 module by Xilinx, along with a carrier board and 8 breakout boards to route all of the 64 digital output lines. Further details about the design of this system can be found in our paper.
- box_design: Design using protocase software for box that houses the Microzed module mounted on the carrier board, all 8 breakout boards, and the power supply.
- docs: document describing how to get started with overlay development and images/logos
- eagle: All eagle design files for printed circuit boards involved in the system. PCB design for AC supply module, carrier board, and breakout boards included.
- jane: this folder contains the jupyter notebook, the python scripts and the firmware that needs to be installen in the Microzed module.
- labscript_suite: All code associated with the Labscript Suite that allows Jane to be integrated. File structure within this folder is accurate to how they should be placed in Labscript folders on a lab computer. Includes device driver and janeapi, modified from the Spincore API.
- src: source files from project in Vivado, all files necessary to regenerate the project.