This is a chess game implemented in python by using the library pygame
I wanted to create a project in python for my computer science class that should be advanced but be doable for me on my own. I personaly enjoy chess alot, therefore I asked some advanced students if that would be possible for me to code and they encouraged me to do it.
- This Chess game should be capable of any official chess rule by the end.
- Two players at the same PC should be able to play against each other.
- Implement a chess AI, rather by
I first of all created a parent class "Pieces" that would contain basic methods like moving or showing a piece. Then I created a class for every other of the pieces, that would inherit for the parent "Pieces"
Use the package manager pip to install pygame, stcokfish and pygame-widgets.
pip install pygame
pip install pygame-widgets
pip install stockfish
For this, simply open file
Now by clicking at one of the pieces you can see where you can move it. By clicking at one of the marked tiles the piece will move to this square You can exit the game by pressing ESC or by closing it as an usual window
- The "En passant"-rule from chess is missing
It is currently not possible to collaborate on this project because the school requires a self made result
I want to mention two people in this section. First of all Gero Beckmann. He was very kind by sometimes helping me out with the basic stucture of my code and motivated me to make this extra piece of work. Lastly I want to also thank Vincent Piegsa, who worked on a similar project before. It was one of my inspirations to do this project to. Gero and Vincent also showed me the way to work from different places without any issues using GIT and GITHUB.