JacoChat is a text based chat protocol in the format of a client server application written in C# that mimicks that of IRC. JacoChat Library Documentation
This section covers the different commmands and format of messages that a JacoChat client would send to a JacoChat server.
The nick command must and should be the first thing that is sent to the server upon a client connect. It gives the server a way to identify the client and allow them to join a channel, etc.
The format of NICK is:
For example upon connect your client might send the server:
NICK ComputerCam
The join command is more than likely the next thing that a client should send to the server. It allows you to join or create a channel, where your client can talk to other clients. Like most IRC-like protocols, channels must start with a # to be valid.
The format of JOIN is:
For example your client might send:
JOIN #int0x10
It is important to note than upon joining a channel the server will send you your own JOIN message, the TOPIC of the channel, and the NAMES list for that channel. More on these can be found in the Server to Client section down below.
The part command is for leaving a channel that you no longer wish to be in. It de-registers you from that channel and your client will no longer recieve or be able to send to that channel until you JOIN again.
When you issue a PART you provide the channel name and the reason for your part in the following format:
For example:
PART #int0x10 Programming is for nerds
The privmsg command sends a message to a user or channel and is the primary method of communicating in JacoChat. You can either send to a channel where everyone can see the message or you can send it to a specific user in the form of a PM.
For example: PRIVMSG #int0x10 Hello, World!
The names command requests the server to send you a list of names of the users in the current channel. The server will send these back in a NAMES message, which is talked about in the Server to Client section down below.
For example:
NAMES #int0x10
The topic command requests the server to send you the topic of a channel that you are in. The server will send the topic to your client in a TOPIC message, which is talked about in the Server to Client section down below.
For example:
TOPIC #ncagate
In addition if you are a channel OP you have the ability to set the topic using the topic command with an extra argument at the end of your request.
For example:
TOPIC #int0x10 This is a new topic
The whois command is used to return information about a desired user. This information includes the nickname, IP, connection time, time idle, and PING of the user. The server will return this information with several WHOIS messages, which will be talked about in the Server to Client section down below.
For example:
WHOIS GruntTheSkid
The kick command is used by channel OPs to forcefully remove a user from the channel if the user is getting out of hand. This will prevent the user from sending or recieving any messages from the channel nor will that user be a part of said channel anymore. Note that this not prevent the user from rejoining the channel, and to prevent this you should couple this with the BAN commmand.
For exmaple:
KICK timeScrub #int0x10 No sanicking!
The ban command is used by channel OPs to prevent a user from sending messages to the channel or otherwise interacting with it. It is important to note that this does not kick said user from the channel, which can be accomplished using the KICK command (above).
For example:
BAN haxx0rPr0ny #ncagate
The unban command is used by channel OPs to remove a ban placed on a user.
For example:
UNBAN csharper #nca
The chanop command is used by channel OPs and network OPs to give or take channel OP for a user.
For example:
CHANOP #int0x10 Reagan give
The list command is used to return from the server a list of all the channels on the server, the amount of users, OPs, and the topic of each channel. The server will return these using a list message talked about in the Server to Client section below.
Format and example:
This section covers the types and format of messages that a JacoChat server would send to a client.
The privmsg command denotates that someone has sent your client a message either from sending it to a channel you are in or by sending it to you directly as a PM.
For example:
reagan PRIVMSG #int0x10 :Hello, World!
The join command is sent whenever a user joins a channel that you are in (including when you join that channel).
For example:
OverlordSatan JOIN #pptosn
The part command is sent whenever a user leaves a channel that you are in.
For example:
keeperOfTime PART #int0x10 :I quit
The nick command is sent whenever a user (including yourself) changes their nickname in a channel you are in.
For example:
Reagan NICK #int0x10 TheReaganKeeper
The quit command is sent whenever a user that was in a channel that you are in kills their connection to the server.
For example:
tiezerk QUIT #int0x10 :Ping timeout: 10 seconds
The topic command is sent when your client joins a channel, whenever that client specifically requests the topic using the TOPIC Client to Server command, or when a channel OP changes the topic of the channel.
For example:
server TOPIC #auroragate :Where is he?
The kick command is sent whenever a channel OP kicks a user from a channel you are in.
For example:
Aviv KICK #vbosn :Do not.
The ban command is sent whenever a channel OP bans a user from a channel you are in.
For example:
Fabtop BAN #hassium
The unban command is sent whenever a channel OP unbans a user from a channel you are in.
For example:
Putin UNBAN #crimea
The whois command is sent whenever a client requests user information using a Client to Server WHOIS command. It is important to note that the server sends out several whois commands are sent out foreach request, one foreach catagory of a whois.
server WHOIS [USER] :[DATA]
For example:
server WHOIS nalz :From:
The chanop command is sent whenever a client that is in the same channel as you (or you) has had their channel operator given or taken.
For example:
Viper CHANOP #int0x10 Tiezerk :GIVE
The error command is sent whenever you have tried to send something invalid or do something invalid.
For example:
server ERROR :No such channel #FrenchMilitaryVictories
The motd command is sent when a user connects to the server. For each line in the MOTD the server will send a command with that line.
server MOTD :[MESSAGE]
For example:
server MOTD :Welcome to JacoChat
server MOTD :Go to https://github.com/JacobMisirian/JacoChat for source.
server MOTD :For another good project go to http://hassiumlang.com