Asuna is an Eris Discord bot with moderation, music and anime at the centre of it.
This repository contains the current version of Asuna's Eris rewrite.
Asuna's DBL listing // Asuna API (Formally Weebs4Life)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
- listener NAME | whatToLog whitelist name
- admiral_start | admiral_start
- cluster_message | N/A
- stats_update | stats_update
- total_shutdown | total_shutdown
- service_launch | service_launch
- all_services_launched | all_services_launched
- cluster_launch | cluster_launch
- all_clusters_launched | all_clusters_launched
- shards_spread | shards_spread
- gateway_shards | gateway_shards
- cluster_shutdown | cluster_shutdown
- service_shutdown | service_shutdown
- cluster_restart | cluster_restart
- service_restart | service_restart
- cluster_start | cluster_start
- shard_connect | shard_connect
- shard_disconnect | shard_disconnect
- shard_ready | shard_ready
- shard_resume | shard_resume
- cluster_ready | cluster_ready
- shard_starting | N/A note: most of these listeners are modifications on eris fleet, updating eris fleetn breaks all console.logs for some reason
Any file(s) hosted here are subject to change at any point. This code base comes as is, and we, the Asuna Development Team, do not accept any responsability for any damage caused due to misuse of this code base.