PrevJumpNext is not maintained anymore. It maybe does not work in Evolution 1.1 anymore. Please fork it and bring it back to life, if you need it.
Generates links to navigate between documents in a directory for the MODX Evolution content management framework
Highly configurable. It can display:
- 'Showing article x of x'
- 'Prev' and 'Next' links with or without document titles
- 'First' and 'Last' links.
- An 'Index' link to parent folder
- A dropdown select to jump quickly to a document
- Upload the folder assets/snippets/prevjumpnext in the corresponding folder in your installation
- Create a snippet called PrevJumpNext and fill the snippet code with the content of the file install/assets/snippets/prevjumpnext.tpl
The following snippet parameter could be used
Name | Description | Default |
language | Language of the snippet output | english |
startId | id of document folder to start from | parent document id |
sortBy | Document variable to sort items by. 'menuindex' or 'id' or 'createdon', etc... | createdon |
sortDir | Sort direction ('ASC' or 'DESC') | ASC |
displayTitle | Display document titles instead of &prevText and &nextText | 1 |
displayFixed | Show 'first' and 'last' links | 0 |
usePlaceHolder | Generate placeholders and don't output html | 0 |
useJump | Replace the index link by the select list when NOT using the placeholders | 0 |
indexDocumentId | ID of the document linked as 'index' | &startID |
displayNoPrevNext | Display &noPrevNextText in place of 'previous' and 'next' when there is no previous or next item | 0 |
noPrevNextText | Text to display if there is no Prev or Next item and &displayNoPrevNext == 1 | language dependent |
indexText | Title for 'index' item | language dependent |
jumpText | Title for select list | language dependent |
firstText | Title for 'first' link | language dependent |
prevText | Title for 'previous' item when $displayTitle is set to false | language dependent |
nextText | Title for 'next' item when $displayTitle is set to false | language dependent |
lastText | Title for 'last' item | language dependent |
exclude | Comma-separated list of document IDs to exclude from navigation | - |
separator | Separator between two items | ` |
displayIndex | Show 'index' item | 1 |
displayTotal | Show 'total' item ('Showing record X of Y') | 1 |
firstSymbol | Prefixed to 'first' item | - |
prevSymbol | Prefixed to 'previous' item | - |
nextSymbol | Suffixed to 'next' item | - |
lastSymbol | Suffixed to 'last' item | - |
firstClass | Class assigned to 'first' item | first |
prevClass | Class assigned to 'previous' item | prev |
nextClass | Class assigned to 'next' item | next |
lastClass | Class assigned to 'last' item | last |
indexClass | Class assigned to 'index' item | index |
totalClass | Class assigned to 'total' item | total |
currentNumberClass | Class assigned to 'currentNumber' in 'total' item | currentNumber |
totalNumberClass | Class assigned to 'totalNumber' in 'total' item | totalNumber |
recordTypeName | Name of records type for 'total' item (E.g. 'record': 'Showing record X of Y') | record |
includeFolders | include folder documents in the item list | 1 |
maxTitleChars | Truncate document titles to this number of characters (0 = full title) | 0 |
circle | Link from last item to first item and vice versa | 0 |
useYams | Use YAMS for url generation | 0 |
langid | YAMS language id | - |
The following placeholders are set in usePlaceholder mode:
Placeholder | Content |
PJN_first | the first document |
PJN_prev | the previous document |
PJN_jump | the droplist to jump to the selectionned document |
PJN_index | the link to retern to the index page |
PJN_next | the next document |
PJN_last | the last document |
&indexText=`List of Articles`
&jumpText=`Quick Access`
&noPrevNextText=`It's the end`
will fill these placeholders in the document [+PJN_first+] [+PJN_prev+] [+PJN_jump+] [+PJN_index+] [+PJN_next+] [+PJN_last+]