This repo contains a customized Web AppBuilder map/framework, and 1 Web AppBuilder Custom Widget
HUC12Nav 📊 live demo
The HUC12Nav is a custom widget to navigate upstream and downstream on the Watershed Boundary Dataset (Subwatersheds) and summarize attributes.
The entire repo can be deployed in a web server. It contains all the libraries necessary to render the map and run the widget.
The data server used by the widget for navigation IS NOT in this repo - it is housed in the repo
Do the following to deploy the app on your server:
- Unzip the downloaded app.
- Deploy it on your web server.
- Browse to the directory where the widget 'ttHUC12Nav' locally hosted and open the app config.json file.
- Edit the
to point to thewbd
navigation API."navigator_url": "/wbd",
- Save the config.json file.
- View the locally hosted app in your browser.
The widget ttHUC12Nav
can be installed in another WAB instance by
copying just the folder
and configuring the WAB instance to load the widget and provide
access via a map button.
The data server used by the widget for navigation IS NOT in this repo - it is housed in the repo
Do the following to deploy the widget in another WAB instance on your server:
Download a copy of the app.
Copy the folder
Edit the new_app config.json file
and add the ttHUC12Nav widget.... "widgetOnScreen": { "widgets": [ ... { "uri": "widgets/ttHUC12Nav/Widget", "openAtStart": true, "position": { "left": 55, "top": 45, "relativeTo": "map", "widget_bottom": 8, "widget_left": 5 }, "placeholderIndex": 1, "id": "widgets_HUC12Nav", "name": "ttHUC12Nav", "version": "2.5", "closeable": true }, ... ], ...
Browse to the directory where the widget 'ttHUC12Nav' locally hosted and open the app config.json file.
Edit the
to point to thewbd
navigation API."navigator_url": "/wbd",
Save the config.json file.
View the locally hosted app in your browser.
The application is delivered as a GitHub repository. This allows sharing updates based on user input or the chance to add new functionality.
To update follow the following steps: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\huc12nav
$ dir
11/03/2019 01:42 PM 20,654 3rd-party-license.txt
11/03/2019 01:42 PM 212 appinfo.json
11/03/2019 01:42 PM 15,926 config-readme.txt
11/03/2019 01:42 PM 23,152 config.json
11/03/2019 01:42 PM <DIR> configs
11/03/2019 01:42 PM <DIR> dynamic-modules
11/03/2019 01:42 PM 11,095 env.js
11/03/2019 01:42 PM <DIR> images
11/03/2019 01:42 PM 4,000 index.html
11/03/2019 01:42 PM 7,471 init.js
11/03/2019 01:42 PM <DIR> jimu.js
11/03/2019 01:42 PM <DIR> libs
11/03/2019 01:42 PM 3,854 readme.html
11/03/2019 01:42 PM 2,752
11/03/2019 01:42 PM 5,008 simpleLoader.js
11/03/2019 01:42 PM <DIR> themes
11/03/2019 01:42 PM 521 web.config
11/03/2019 01:43 PM <DIR> widgets C:\inetpub\wwwroot\huc12nav\widgets\ttHUC12Nav
$ dir Widget.js
11/03/2019 01:41 PM 224,242 Widget.js
... C:\inetpub\wwwroot\huc12nav
$ git pull
remote: Enumerating objects: 13, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (13/13), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 7 (delta 5), reused 7 (delta 5), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (7/7), done.
71d2227..ffbd3aa master -> origin/master
Updating 71d2227..ffbd3aa
.gitignore | 59 ++++++- | 35 +++-
widgets/ttHUC12Nav/Widget.js | 383 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- 3 files changed, 351 insertions(+), 126 deletions(-)
After the last update C:\inetpub\wwwroot\huc12nav\widgets\ttHUC12Nav
$ dir Widget.js
11/03/2019 05:31 PM 224,271 Widget.js
if there are no updates C:\inetpub\wwwroot\huc12nav
$ git pull
Already up to date.