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Configuration files for zsh


# Download and run the installer, which installs git, zsh, antigen,
# and some "core" linux tools that don't get installed by default
# for some reason on most distros
# (e.g. apt-transport-https, ca-certificates, curl).
# And obviously it handles installing the config and patching
# the system shell startup scripts to set the $ZDOTDIR to
# be XDG-Compliant. This also includes adding a common profile
# shared between ZSH and BASH, so that XDG compliance can be
# system wide
wget -qO- | bash

# set ZSH as the default shell for your account
chsh -s /path/to/zsh


  • This repo ($ZDOTDIR) should no longer exist in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh. It should exist in /opt/zshconf.
  • User config should no longer exist in $ZDOTDIR/user_defs. It should exist in $ZDOTDIR/user/$USER.

List of planned changes

  • Make a post on reddit
    • This lets people critisize the hell out of this config (constructive criticism) so I can make it an even better config
  • Make user overrides completely separate from the core config
    • This means having all user override files in their own folder
      • Implementation is a user_defs folder (see the User Definitions documentation)
  • Enable user-defined aliases
  • Make platform dependencies less of an issue (nice to have)
    • Things like apt-get for example
