This project was part of the Web Development course at the Lebanese American University, supervised by Dr.Khaleel Mershad.
Maida is a website that connects homecooks with food enthusiasts in a community of exchanged deliciousness. With its user-friendly design, Maida allows homecooks to easily post their dishes and allows users to search for and order the dishes that they want.
The website is built using a variety of technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, jQuery, Ajax, and a MySQL database. This allows for a seamless experience for both homecooks and users as they interact with the website.
In the future, Maida plans to:
Integrate a payment API to improve the verification and payment systems Add security measures to protect against common attacks Implement an order tracking page to keep users informed about the status of their orders Continue to expand and improve the platform to provide a valuable service for homecooks and food enthusiasts. The project was developed as part of a web development course at the Lebanese American University and was supervised by Dr. Khaleel Mershad. With the skills and knowledge gained from working on this project, the students were able to create a functional website that has the potential to be used as a real-world platform for connecting homecooks and food enthusiasts.