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Skylight is an app for checking shadows from nearby buildings at different times of day/year.

The building data currently only covers Sydney and Hong Kong. Data for other cities can be added, see below for instructions.

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MIT license

Data sources have their own licenses:


This project was ejected from Create React App.

Update building data

Run --city sydney --output sydney_city_buildings.json to re-download latest OSM building data from the Overpass API.

You can add other cities in the script source, if you know their bounding-box coordinates. The OSM homepage has an Export tool that is handy for finding this.

Also update LAT_LONG_ORIGINS in the app to add the new city location.

Update map tiles

No work required. The app queries OSM tile server for map tiles at any location.

Elevation data

Elevation data is derived from the SRTMv4 dataset, which is free for non-commercial use.

To cover a new city:

  1. Download the GeoTIFF heightmap for your world region.
  2. Change the color depth to 8-bits (make sure to rescale the values as well, e.g. 0xff=255m or 2550m, the default scale covers 65536m!). Update ELEVATION_MAP.elevationScale with your new max-height.
  3. Crop the heightmap to your area of interest. Update ELEVATION_MAP lat/long values.
  4. Optional: Clean any funny pixels or missing data in the heightmap.
  5. Save the heightmap to ElevationMap.png. Make sure this is 8-bit grayscale otherwise the code may do weird things.
  6. Update the normal map at ElevationNormal.png. Make sure you render this with the correct scale. SRTMv4 data scale is 6000 pixel : 5° lat/long.

A sample ImageMagick script for the elevation map:

convert hongkong/srtm_59_08.tif -crop 600x600+4800+3000 -fx 'x=mod(u, 0.5)*65536/1024; if((x>=0)&&(x<0.95), x, 0)' -depth 8 hongkong/ElevationMap.png

This clamps the max elevation to 1024 m (actually 1020 due to rounding); change this for your area as appropriate.

Sample instructions for generating the normal map in Gimp v2:

  1. Open the elevation map
  2. Enable RGB channels (Image menu -> Mode -> RGB)
  3. Open the normal map dialog (Filters -> Generic -> Normal map)
  4. Set the correct Z scale. This should be roughly <max_elevation> / 90 since SRTM data is 90m / pixel. If far away from the equator, scale up the X channel separately since pixels will be narrower in the X axis.
  5. You may need to enable Flip Y to get correct north/south lighting (FIXME: why?)

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

yarn test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

yarn build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!

See the section about deployment for more information.

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