A command-line app 💻 that helps game masters organize data in a role playing game 🎲 called Sharnon.
My brother and I invented this game years ago — it's essentially D&D, except simpler and less random.
- Detailed character info stored in JSON
- Name🙂, class🧙♂️, equipment⚔️, known spells📜
- Name generator
- Randomly chooses a bunch of syllables and puts them together
- Dice roller 🎲
Input a command ('help' to show commands): roll 8d5
Rolls: [4, 3, 5, 3, 5, 1, 5, 3]
Total: 29
- Easily define new commands 📌
- Format:
addCommand(new GameCommand( [command name], [argument labels], [command description], [command length], [action] ));
Command definition example:
addCommand(new GameCommand("start", "<name>", "Start a session with a given player name", 2, args -> {
Human player = ActorLoader.loadHuman(args[1]);
if (player == null) {
System.out.println("No player found with name " + args[1] + ".");
} else {
System.out.println("Starting session with " + player.getName() + ".");
transitionState(new PlayState(app, player));
What a neat little program, eh?
This tutorial assumes that you have Java 1.8 or above, and Maven.
- Clone the repository.
- Navigate to the directory in your terminal.
- Run
- Run
- Voila! You can now use the app. Use command
start <name>
to begin a session. e.g.start Zey'nar