Hey! 👋 I'm an aerospace engineer who took a turn into software engineering. I live in Washington D.C and work on software for satellite ground systems.
Ball Aerospace: supported the Systems Operability group within ground and flight software solutions, mainly on our internal command and control software, COSMOS.
Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research: made some neat data visualizations working with atmospheric concentrations from the Boulder Reservoir, some for news articles lamenting the state on oil/gas emissions, and some for publications. Did a basic website design to display real time data for the Summit, Greenland monitoring site, and helped to improve the backend automated data processor behind it.
University of Colorado Boulder: mostly MATLAB experience, as reflected in some of the repositories on my page. Lots of data handling, reading poor data and shaping it into something useable, applying equations / algos learned in class. Did a fair bit of work throughout the four years with nonlinear equation solvers, and some higher level statistical analysis of state space models with Kalman filters for a graduate class. Handled some automated electronics testing using RS232 communication with a power supply for detector testing on the CIRBE CubeSat mission over at LASP.
You can find more of my non-software work over at my LinkedIn account.
You can find some of my personal work at my website! I like to cook, write, bike, and do night photography when I get the time.