This is an application to schedule the (weekly) dinner and help with the groceries. The application is not finished yet, but I do invite everyone to contribute!.
the Application is writen in Java using the SpringBoot framework. Key dependencies used: Spring Web, JPA, Project Lombok. In the in this repo an H2 test database is configured. In the production system I intend to run it using a MariaDB database.
As you probably will notice, this is not yet my strength. I'm using the following for the front-end: Thymeleaf, Bootstrap (, and some JavaScript including jQuery. (most of this will be copy/paste from other sources)
Recipe: holds recipes DayRecipe: Holds the combination of a day and Recipe. Both of these classes have DTO's and Mapper Classes.
##Controller RecipeWebController: Recipe Related controller methods intended for WebBrowsers RecipeRestController: The REST API controller MenuController: the main controller listing the menu and related things
Tracked in Github project:
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