Find movies to be added to your personal favorites lists, search for movies by the title. Review trending, popular and top rated movies.
Note: work in progress.
The TMDb movie database API:
Please, obtain your own API key in order to work with the source code.
- main - contains stable implementation of main functionality.
In my case I'm using MVI based architecture with Jetpack Compose in Single Activity App and powered by Orbit MVI with Clean Architecture on board.
Retrofit2 - A type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java
Hilt - as dependency injection library based on Dagger2
Kotlin Coroutines & Flow - for execution of asynchronous tasks
Room - for work with SQLite database
Gson - for parsing JSON responses from TMDB
Paging - for loading data in pages and showing it in a Recycler View
Lifecycle - for performing actions in response to a change in the lifecycle status of activities and fragments
Accompanist libs - for supporting different features such as Flow Layout that not presented in official Google Compose, but provided by Google as separate lib
Lanscapist Coil - Coil base library for loading images
Orbit MVI - for using features of MVI such as reducers, state handling and side effects dispatching