Conversion utilities for the Commander X16.
Currently supported conversions:
- Graphics
- Palettes
Requires Python 3.8 or later.
pip install cx16_conv
cx16-conv pal generate <image> <palette_file>
This command will extract all colors from the given image and save them to the palette file.
- If the palette file already exists, new colors will be added as needed.
- If the palette file does not already exist, an empty palette is created
cx16-conv pal export [-p palette_file] [-f format_spec] <output file> <symbol name>
Converts a palette file to various supported formats:
(GIMP-formatted palette file)
If no palette file is specified, the system default palette is used.
cx16-conv gfx [-p palette_file] [-f format] <image file> <output file> <symbol name>
Converts an image file to various supported formats:
If no palette file is specified, the system default palette is used.