"For this project we want you to practice both professional and technical skills. You should develop a good work flow to communicate and document technical information and take time to create a process for building and testing an Express API.
Below are listed the six endpoints you are expected to create. You will be using Google’s Geocoding API to retrieve the lat and long for the city and retrieve forecast data from the Darksky API using the lat and long.""
source: https://backend.turing.io/module4/projects/express_sweater_weather/express_sweater_weather_spec
- https://shielded-temple-17743.herokuapp.com/
- https://git.heroku.com/shielded-temple-17743.git
- ipm install
- npm install --save sequelize sequelize-cli pg
- npx sequelize init
- npx sequelize db:{create,migrate,seed}