A simple Node.js app that uses the Twilio and Google Custom Search APIs to send images related to a given search term once per day. A Twilio Dev account and a Google custom search engine are necessary to run this project. MongoDB is used to store the queue of messages to be sent.
- Clone using
$ git clone
- Create a .env file with the following:
npm install
npm start
- App should be running at
Information about setting getting a Twilio account can be found here. Note: For messages to be sent on a free Twilio account, the recepient must be authorized inside the Twilio portal. In order to get a search key and cx to use the custom search api, follow the docs here.
This app is still in development. Future work is necessary. Plans include building a polished front end, allowing for different sized queues to a given number, and handling of database records after messages are sent.