List veiw for all apps:
Retrieve an app with it's id:<:id>/
Post a new app:
django + djangorestframwork + docker + heroku
Build a Restful API wit djanogrestframework for loanapp that supports CRUD operations
a. Create/POST:
endpoint: api/loanapp/ accepts valid json file
b. Retrieve/Update/Delete(GET, PUT, DELETE)
endipoint: api/status/<:id>/ this id is automatically created by database, starts from 1.
c. when user post duplicate app, update the old one instead of posting a new one
based on limited information I had, I simply assumed the CFRequestId inside RequestHeader is unique for each app, so I used this value to check is duplicates occur
Write unit test suites for all methods
this is done inside django test file: app/stauts/ to test CRUD methods and duplicate posts, use this command to run it
$python test
wrap the app with docker container and deployed it to heroku