A Discord bot made for the game Ark of War.
In the game Ark of war a guild often has a bank. the bank is a users Ark that stores resources of other guild members. This Discord bot can help the Banker make visible what resources a guild member has.
!help displays this information:
- !add or !add @user Required command to add yourself or @user to the bank bot.
- !info or !info @user Displays name,startdate and exemption from user that issued the command or user @
- !total or !total @user Displays total banked in personal
- !tracker or !tracker @user Displays total banked to guild
- !rename name Rename yourself in the bank bot, BEWARE IF NOT ASKED BY BANKER YOU MAY NOT SEE TOTALS
- !gear Calculate gear stats, issue the command to find how it works
- Google Sheet
- Mariadb Database
- Discord