TSAFL is a thread sensitive Fuzzer based on AFL, which use some optimized strategy to imporve the performance of fuzz on concurrent program. This repository provides the source code of TSAFL.
The repository mainly contains three folders: tool, test and evaluation. We briefly introduce each folder under ${ROOT_DIR} (if you install by using docker, the root folder of the artifact would be ${ROOT_DIR}):
- tools: Root directory for PERIOD tool and scripts.
- AFL-2.52b: the AFL (american fuzzy lop)
- SVF: Third-party libraries project SVF, which provides interprocedural dependence analysis for LLVM-based languages. SVF is able to perform pointer alias analysis, memory SSA form construction, value-flow tracking for program variables.
- analysis:There are some shell scipt to call the static_analysis.sh in staticAnalysis.
- staticAnalysis: The scripts of static analysis, which aim to find key points that used to be instrucmented in compiler proccess and generate various information including all kinds of xml.
- TSAFL:The TSAFL source code is here, which is most based on the AFL.
- LLVM_MODE: We have already change the code here to adjust our need. The cur_llvm_pass.so.cc is a llvm-pass for assert instrucment location. Currency-instr.h and Currency-instr.cpp provide the Pin code(instrucment code).
- tsafl: contain the TSAFL which is builded based on the afl-2.32.
- test: Some simple examples that are easy to understand.
- clang+llvm: Pre-Built Binaries of LLVM 12.0. These binaries include Clang, LLD, compiler-rt, various LLVM tools, etc.
We strongly recommend installing and running our tool based on Docker, since the scheduling part is must under root. The docker envoriment could help a lot.
- Docker: The only requirement is to install Docker (version higher than 18.09.7). You can use the command sudo apt-get install docker.io to install the docker on your Linux machine. (If you have any questions on docker, you can see Docker's Documentation).
- Operating System: Linux kernel version >= 5.x due to thread scheduling implement.
- You can build your own image with
sudo docker build -t tsafl:01 --no-cache ./
You need run the docker in privileged mode!
sudo docker run --privileged -it tsafl:01 /bin/bash
NOTE: If you can't enable the schedule properly, I recommend fellow the steps:
echo 'kernel.sched_rt_runtime_us=-1' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -w kernel.sched_rt_runtime_us=-1
Since network problem of where I am living, the download of things from github go wrong too many times. I recommend to build the tsafl by hand.
After finishing all preparation, you can find tsafl in "/tool/TSAFL/build/tsafl/tsafl". First of all, plz get the static analysis result. - Get the bc file from projects. There are several way to get the bc file, but I recommend usign wllvm. If you want to know plz visit https://github.com/travitch/whole-program-llvm.
pip install wllvm
export LLVM_COMPILER=clang
cd Target-file
CC=wllvm ./configure
extract-bc target-file
Get the static analysis of bc code.
- move bc code into tool/analysis
- follow the steps
./static_analysis.sh target # don't add .bc! mv -r *.xml ${target-files}/ mv config.txt ${target-files}/
Build target program with Pin.(Depend on the build system)
``` export ConFile_PATH=config.txt export CC=${TSAFL_DIR}/CUR-clang-fast export CXX=${TSAFL_DIR}/CUR-clang-fast++ ./configure make ```
Fuzz it
${BUILD_DIR}/tsafl -i intputs -o findings_dir -m 200 ./target -argumet @@